Money Matters

Here are some ways that Mr Salty manages his own finances. It’s always good to be financial savvy!


两年前公布的消费税上调意境确定了。既然躲不过,步入趁 GST 上涨之前把这些东西给买了,好节省一些开销!

11 Ways To Make Your GST Voucher Savings Last

It’s not everyday that the Government gives money. Especially during this difficult times! Here’s how Mr Salty tries to prolong his GST Voucher U-Save.

Fees Involved With CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS)

What are the bank fees one has to pay for each stock transaction? What makes up the bank fees?

Getting A Renovation Loan – What To Look Out For Before Proceeding

Other than deciding whether and how much to renovate your house, there’s also a need to consider other factors, like whether you can afford to pay for the loan.


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